The Waikato is the fourth largest region in New Zealand, covering 25,000 square kilometres. It stretches from the Bombay Hills and Port Waikato in the north down to the Kaimai Ranges and Mt Ruapehu in the south, and from Mokau on the west c...
유튜브에서 받아 오는 방법 입니다. 유튜브에서 : 곡선정 - Share 클릭 - Embed 클릭(소스코드) - 아래에 copy할 수 있는 부분이 색깔과 함께 뜹니다. - copy 를 하신 후----- 코와이에서 : 음악, 동영상 클릭 - 쓰기 클릭 - 상단의 소스 클릭 - 본문...
Matamata means 'headland'. This was the name of a new pa established in 1830 by Te Waharoa, the famous Ngatihaua chief, on a ridge of high ground projecting into the swampy valley of the Waitoa River near Dunlop Road, a few kilometre...
The Roto-o-rangi district was once a lake and the name means 'The Lake of Heaven'. When Europeans arrived in 1864 the area was drained and today it is rolling farmlands. The last death relevant to the Waikato Land Wars occurred in th...
시사 in 사진 CNN, Who are the Chois? Park's relationship with Choi and her father Choi Tae-min has long been controversial in Korea. The elder Choi first became close with Park following the death of her mother at the hands of a North K...