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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Scholarship for online language teaching training course (TESOL)


What NZCLT is?

New Zealand Certificate in Language Training (NZCLT) Course is a short pathway to lead people to teach English (ESOL) or their own native language to non-native speakers and into further language teaching education.  It is a nationally recognized language teaching qualification.

We are the only institute running this course in New Zealand and distance learning is available now. It means you can study online wherever in New Zealand.


We are offering a full-tuition scholarship to domestic students and the student allowance is also available subject to eligibility.


Please view the videos for your information:


Who is this course suitable for?

If people are:

v Interested in languages and teaching languages;

v Struggling to travel to  school every day;

v Expecting a chance that tuition fee can be covered by scholarship;

v Need some benefit (student allowance) to support their study;

v Looking for a pathway course for further language teaching education or updating professional knowledge and advance career;

v Wanting to gain a nationally recognized Language Teaching Certificate in a short time;


Course Timetable:

20 weeks: 9 am to 3 pm, Monday to Thursday

Next intake: 26th July 2021


For more information please contact Waikato Institute of Education (WIE)


Phone: 07 8382450

kakao talk ID: WIE-Lillian

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