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안녕 하세요?

뉴질랜드 국립윈텍대학의 에드워드 박 입니다.

오늘은 우리 대학의 Bachelor of Applied Management 학부의 Supply Chain Logistics(유통물류학과)를 소개해 드리고자 합니다.

뉴질랜드는 이제 물류유통의 태동기를 맞고 있습니다 

특히 해밀턴에는 Ruakura Inland Port라고 불리는 물류센터가 뉴질랜드 최초로 건립이 되고 있습니다 물류유통센터는 오클랜드-웰링턴-타우랑아를 이어주는 물류의 허브가  전망입니다.

이런 물류유통센터를 책임질 핵심 인력을 양성하는 윈텍대학의 물류학과는 현재 건설 중인 물류센터와 맞물려 수요가 증대되고 있습니다.


코스 내역Course Details

  • 전공명: Bachelor of Applied Management (Supply Chain Logistics)
  • 입학시기: 2월과 7
  • 학업기간: 3
  • 학위:  학사 학위(Level 7)
  • 학업장소: Hamilton City Campus
  • 영어조건: IELTS 6.0(모든 밴드 5.5 이상)


Merit of this course and Wintec

·       Focus on the practical

·       Small class size

·       High employment rate

·       Internship is on the curriculum ( Applied Work Integrated Learning (AWIL))-equivalent with 4 subjects completion which is one full semester – No Tests and Exams

·       Research at Design Factory Global Network to get 30 credits and real world experience

·       Can work for 20 hours per week during the studying

·       Three Year Post study work visa provided

·       Can get Learning Support from Student Learning Service Centre

·       Online Leaning support (Moodle, MyLearning)

·       Can get Employment advice and support from Student Life Centre

·       Can choose one or two majors with 3 years of study

·       Can apply for Transfer of Credit if have a relevant formal degree

산업현장에서 꼭 필요한 이론적인 지식과 실무 지식을 가르치는데 퍼커스를 맞춘 윈텍대학의 Supply Chain Logistics 학과는 소규모 클래스로 교수들과 직접 소통하며 공부할 수 있으며졸업 후 곧바로 취업이 될 수 있도록 인턴쉽 등을 제공합니다.

What You'll Study

1학년은비즈니스 환경을 이해할  있는8개의 전공 필수 과목을 수강하게 됩니다.

2학년은 3개의 Supply Chain Logistics전공 관련 필수 과목을 수강하고, 2개의 전공선택과 3개의 경영학 선택 과목을 수강하게 됩니다

3학년때에는 2개의 물류전공 필수 과목과 2개의 전공 선택 과목을 1학기에 수강을 하고, 2학기에는 인턴쉽을 나가게 됩니다.

모든 학생은 졸업 학년에 인턴쉽 Applied Work Integrated Learning (AWIL) 하게 됩니다

 인턴쉽을 통해서 학생들은 기업과 회사에서 요구하는 실제적인 업무 연수를 받게 되며학점도 자신이 인턴으 일하는 회사로부터 받게 됩니다 인턴쉽 프로그램 학생들에게 취업의 기회를 많이 제공하는 것으로 알려 있습니다.

학생들은 1 또는 2개의 전공을 선택   있는데, 모두 3 안에 이수할  있습니다

In your first year, you'll complete the eight core modules required for this Applied Management degree. These will give you the important broad skills you'll need to excel in any area of business.

For your second year you'll take three courses for your Sales and Marketing major, choose three other courses which can be toward a second major, as well as two more core modules – Applied Management and Research Methodology.

In your third year you'll study two more Sales and Marketing Management courses and two other courses toward your second major. You'll also apply your skill on work placement with a local business.

All students in their final year of study will complete the  Applied Work Integrated Learning (AWIL). This gives you an opportunity to be placed in industry, gain valuable work experience and complete an agreed piece of research, increasing the chances of employment when you graduate. The  Applied Work Integrated Learning (AWIL) is a formal programmes. This is an excellent opportunity for students to apply their knowledge in a real work environment

Whether you choose one or two majors, if you study full-time, you'll still be able to complete your degree in three years.


About Applied Work Integrated Learning


Applied Work Integrated Learning (AWIL) is a work integrated learning programme and a major feature of: the Bachelor of Applied Management (BAM), Business Graduate Diplomas, Bachelor of Applied Information Technology, and Post-Graduate Applied Information Technology programmes. 

Applied Work Integrated Learning is a three way partnership between the student, the workplace and Wintec. The purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to experience hands-on the complexities of a working environment.

Applied Work Integrated Learning consist of two types of placements – a work placement (internship) or an industry project:

A work placement will allow students to become part of a functioning, operational team, and be exposed to the enjoyment and challenges inherent in a real world working environment.

In a research project students will apply their theoretical knowledge to a work place problem or issue. The research project is determined by the host organisation and is directly related to the major the student is studying.

The work placement and the research project allow students the time, place and support to integrate theoretical and practical learning. Students are supported by an Academic Supervisor at Wintec who will provide guidance during their AWIL experience and a supervisor from the host organisation who will assess the work placement.

교과목 구성

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description generated with very high confidence

What Supply Chain Logistics is

물류는 제품  서비스를 소비자에게 최단시간내에 효율적으로 전달하는데 관련된 업무 입니다. 유통물류는 세계 무역의 근간으로 알려진 운송창고관리  재고 관리 네트워크로서 담당직원은 가장 유리한 운송 수단을 선택하는 방법창고 시설을 설계  설정하는 방법재고  자산을 관리  관리하는 방법효율적인 물류 네트워크를 설정하는 방법을 적용하여 비용을 최소화하고 최고로 빠른 배송 방법을 적용할 수 있어야 합니다.


공급망물류운송창고 보관택배  유통 업계는 운송  물류 분야의 사업의 근간을 이루고 있습니다이들 업계가 유기적으로 협력하지 않으면제품이나 서비스가 공급 업체에서 구매자또는 소비자로 이동하지 않기 때문에 사업 성공에 있어서 중추적인 역할을 하고 있습니다.


취업 전망

이처럼 중요하고 빠르게 움직이는 물류산업 분야는 창고 출신부터 상품 배송을 계획하는 것까지 모든 분야에서 많은 직업 기회를 보유하고 있으며, 취업할 곳이 증가하고 있는 추세 입니다.

Logistics Coordinator

Supply Chain Coordinator

Logistics Manager

Transport Manager

Transport Planner

Warehouse Manager

Distribution Manager

Routing/Scheduling Clerk

Distribution Services Manager

Traffic Operator 등의 직책으로 일할 수 있습니다.


This industry, which is part of Shipping and Logistics is perfect for someone who wants a real hands on job, as there are many opportunities within warehousing and distribution that can give the job holder a real sense of involvement. The different kinds of jobs in this industry include:


Logistics Coordinator

Supply Chain Coordinator

Logistics Manager

Transport Manager

Transport Planner

Warehouse Manager

Distribution Manager

Routing/Scheduling Clerk

Distribution Services Manager

Traffic Operator, etc.


Roles in supply chain and logistics span all levels and areas, including procurement, production and distribution. Upon successful completion of this programme you'll have the analytical, planning and decision-making skills to work in industries such as aviation, construction, manufacturing and retail.


앞으로 보다 많은 학생들이 저희 윈텍대학의 Supply Chain Logistics 학과에서 공부할  있도록 많은 지원 부탁 드리겠습니다.


감사 합니다.


에드워드  드림


Edward Park

International Market Director (South Korea, Japan & NZ Onshore)

International Centre


Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec)

Private Bag 3036, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240
Phone: +64 7 834 8800 ext 3544

Mobile: +64 21 059 7127

katalk: studyatwintec





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