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Culinary Arts Information Evening


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일시: 2018 12 3 오후 5.30부터 6 30분까지

장소Rotokauri Campus (Lecture theatre room 14. L block, Centre for Hospitality)

특징윈텍대학이 자랑하는 키첸과 Windows 레스토랑강의실 등을 둘러   있고교수진들로부터 코스에 대한 상세한 설명을 들을  있습니다.


Thinking about studying cookery in 2019?

Come along to our information evening. 

You'll get a brief overview of the teaching year, get answers to all your questions, and you'll also go on a tour of our facilities.

When: 5.30-6.30pm. Monday 3 December
Where: Lecture theatre room 14. L block, Centre for Hospitality, Rotokauri Campus

관심 있으신 분들은 등록 부탁 드립니다.

To register your interest, visit


요즘 티비 프로그램미식 여행 등으로 요리가  인기를 얻고 있습니다그래서 어떤 사람들은 이제 요리가 “예술의  부분으로 자리를 잡았다 말하기도 합니다사람이 살아가는데 가장 중요한 3 욕구가 의식주입니다 중에서  먹는 것은 우리가 살아 가는데 있어서 가장 근본적인 욕구입니다그런데 옛날에는 허기를 달래기 위해 음식을 있는 대로먹었다면현재는 음식은 단순히 배를 채우는 용도가 아니라 맛과 분위기를느끼는 문화의  부분으로 자리 잡았습니다.

뉴질랜드에서 외식 산업은 뉴질랜드의 관광업을 지탱하는 주요한 수단이자뉴질랜드 국민들의 먹거리를 책임지는 중요 산업 입니다뉴질랜드에서 요리사는  인력이 부족한 ‘장기부족직업군 속해 있기 때문에 현지에서 취업을 하기가 쉽다는 장점과최고 수준의 요리학과들이 다수 있어서뉴질랜드 현지 취업과 다른 국가에서의 취업을 염두에 두는 많은 예비 요리사들이 뉴질랜드를 찾고 있습니다.

 중에서도 윈텍대학(Wintec) 요리학과는 최고 수준의 강사진과 우수한 시설높은 취업률로 좋은 평판을 받고 있습니다.

윈텍대학은 1년에 3차례 이상 윈텍 주최 ‘요리경연대회 개최하여 예비 요리사를 길러내며 경연 대회에는 윈텍 졸업생이자 세계인 요리사인 Josh Emett 등이 심사 위원으로 참여를 해서 학생들에게  모범이 되어 줍니다.

Emett은호주 멜번에서 세계적인 요리사인 고든 램지와 함께 Ramsay’s Australian restaurants - maze and maze Grill 공동 창업을 했고뉴질랜드Masterchef 프로그램을 기획하고진행했으며현재는 New York, Queenstown Auckland에서 고든 램지와 공동으로 레스토랑을 운영하고 있습니다.  

저희 윈텍대학은 2,  3 Josh Emett 길러 내고자 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

많은 지원과 소개 부탁 드립니다.

A close up of a person

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Culinary Arts Year 1/2 -New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 4/5)

입학기준Entry Criteria

·       고교졸업 이상

·       IELTS 5.5(모든 밴드 5.0 이상또는 Wintec NZCEL 레벨 3 (Applied) 이상 이수

코스 시작:Feb and July

학업기간: Two year

캠퍼스: Hamilton Rotokauri Campus

A picture containing clothing

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​​In the First Year, you’ll develop cookery skills to prepare, cook and present food employing complex preparation and presentation techniques. You will also acquire the knowledge to monitor and maintain health and safety, food safety and security practices, and learn standard operating policies and procedures to enable you to work in a commercial kitchen.

In the Second Year, this programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work as a chef in senior positions producing advanced complex dishes in a professional kitchen. You’ll learn to plan and produce a broad range of larder dishes, meat, poultry and fish dishes using advanced preparation, cookery and preparation techniques. You’ll learn to plan, develop and design advanced dishes and menus for implementation in a commercial hospitality environment. Your programme will provide you with the knowledge to manage staff, understand operating procedures and compliance requirements and to plan and monitor workflow and supplies in a commercial kitchen.

Also embedded within this programme are internationally recognised City & Guilds qualifications (​

City and Guilds Logo

 A person in a room

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Merit of Wintec Cookery Course

·       요리와 제과제빵을 한꺼번에 공부Can learn Cookery and Patisserie at the same time

·       유학생과 현지학생의 적절한 구성Good combination of International and Local students ratio (3:7)

·       경험많은 훌륭한 교수진Excellent and experienced tutors

·       실용적인 학습 분위기Focus on the practical

·       3개의 수업용 키첸과 1개의 교육/상업용 레스토랑 보유3 Kitchens and 1 Trainee Restaurant on campus

·       자체인턴쉽제공In-House internship at the Trainee Restaurant-First Year: 10 weeks customer service a year and Second Year: 1day per week

·       요리경연대회  3 개최Host Culinary Arts Competitions 3 times a year

·       PBRS에서레벨 4 이수한 학생은 레벨 5 윈텍에서 이수 가능PBRS students can study at Wintec at 2nd Year Course

·       소규모 클래스- 1 키첸에 18 이하 수업Small group class- One Kitchen under 18 students only

·       개인별로 부족한 영역 집중 교육To improve skills with Self-Assessment

·       높은 취업률 High employment rate

·       졸업  영주권 취득 가능(자세한 내용은 이민성에 문의 요망)

·       학업 중 주당 20시간 아르바이트 허용Can work for 20 hours per week during the studying

·       방학 중 풀타임으로 아르바이트 허용

·       졸업  오픈워크비자 발급Post study work visa provided

·       학업 지원서비스 제공Can get Learning Support from Student Learning Service Centre

·       온라인 학습툴로 온오프라인 학습 가능Online Leaning support (Moodle, MyLearning)

·       구직 지원Can get Employment advice and support from Student Life Centre



A person wearing a suit and tie

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Culinary Arts Year 1

Module Code

Module Title





​ COOK301

​Cookery Fundamentals 1​




​ COOK302

Cookery Fundamentals 2​





​ COOK303​

Hot Kitchen​






Complex Hot Kitchen ​






Complex Cold Larder​






Complex Patisserie​



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  21. 슬롯사이트 추천

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