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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

 윈텍의Bachelor of Applied Management, Major in Operations and Production Management학과를 소개 합니다.

뉴질랜드는 낙농업이 주요 산업으로 전셰계적으로 유명 합니다특히 해밀턴은 낙농업의 중심지로 많은 우유 공장과 식품 가공 공장이 있습니다.이런 공장을 운영하는 핵심 인력을 양성하는 윈텍대학의 Operations and Production Management 학과는 현재 건설 중인 물류센터와 맞물려 수요가 증대되고 있습니다.

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코스 내역Course Details

  • 전공명: Bachelor of Applied Management (Operations and Production Management)
  • 입학시기: 2월과 7
  • 학업기간: 3
  • 학위경영학 학사 학위(Level 7)
  • 학업장소: Hamilton City Campus
  • 영어조건: IELTS 6.0(모든 밴드 5.5 이상)

Why to study this

1.      Get The Skills To Become An Economic Powerhouse

You'll be in demand – the broad scope of this major equips you with the skills to get the best results out of people and processes. The skills in analysis and logistics you gain from an Operation and Production Management pathway mean you can plan and implement production efficiencies that translate to what every business needs: a better bottom line.

2.      What You'll Study

In your first year, you'll complete the eight core modules required for this Applied Management degree. These will give you the important broad skills you'll need to excel in any area of business. For your second year you'll take three courses for your Operation and Production Management major, choose three other courses, which can be toward a second major, as well as two more core modules – Applied Management and Research Methodology. In your third year you'll study two more Operation and Production Management courses and two other courses toward your second major. You'll also apply your skill on work placement with a local business.

코스 특징과 윈텍대학의 장점

·       이론을 실제 상황에 접목할 수 있는 실용적인 커리큘럼Focus on the practical

·       소규모 클래스Small class size

·       높은 취업률High employment rate

·       한학기 전체 인턴쉽 구성Internship is on the curriculum (Cooperative Education Project - CEP)-equivalent with 4 subjects completion – No Tests and Exams

·       산학협력을 통한 실전 지식 취득Research at Design Factory Global Network to get 30 credits and real-world experience

·       학업  주당 20시간 합법적으로   있음Can work for 20 hours per week during the studying

·       학업 후 잡서치 비자 제공Post study work visa provided

·       학습 지원Can get Learning Support from Student Learning Service Centre

·       온라인 학습 지원Online Leaning support (Moodle, MyLearning)

·       취업 지원Can get Employment advice and support from Student Life Centre

·       2개의 전공 선택 가능(3 만에 졸업)Can choose one or two majors

·       편입 가능Can apply for Transfer of Credit if have a relevant formal degree

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산업 현장에서 바로 사용할  있는 실용적이고실제적인 교육에 포커스를 맞춘 윈텍대학의Sales and Marketing 학과는 소규모 클래스로교수들과 직접 소통을 하며 공부할  있으며졸업  곧바로 취업으로 연계될  있도록 세심하게 지도 합니다.


What You'll Study

1학년은비즈니스 환경을 이해할  있는8개의 전공 필수 과목을 수강하게 됩니다.

2학년은 3개의 Sales and Marketing 전공 관련필수 과목을 수강하고, 2개의 전공선택과 3개의경영학 선택 과목을 수강하게 됩니다

3학년때에는 2개의 Sales and Marketing Management 전공 필수 과목과 2개의 전공 선택 과목을 1학기에 수강을 하고, 2학기에는 인턴쉽을 나가게 됩니다.

모든 학생은 졸업 학년에 인턴쉽 Cooperative Education Project (CEP) 하게 됩니다 인턴쉽을 통해서 학생들은 기업과 회사에서 요구하는 실제적인 업무 연수를 받게 되며학점도 자신이 인턴으로 일하는 회사로부터 받게 됩니다인턴쉽 프로그램은 학생들에게 취업의 기회를 많이 제공하는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.

학생들은 1 또는 2개의 전공을 선택   있는데모두 3 안에 이수할  있습니다.

교과목 구성


A screenshot of a cell phone

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