NCEA Level 2,3 물리 화학 속성과외!!
과학 공부에 재미를. 빠르고 정확하게. 효율적으로.
한번 이해하면 쉽지만 모를땐 가장 어려운 물리화학 블록별로 빠르게 정리해 드립니다.
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현재 NCEA Level 4의 이전 모델이었던 NZEST 전국 36위.
현재 NCEA의 이전 모델이였던 Bursary
물리 91점 - Scholarship
화학 98점 - Scholarship
Calculus 95점 - Scholarship
Statistics 94점 - Scholarship
오클랜드대 물리학 석사 (Quantum Chaos, Laser optics), 토목공학 박사 (Sustainability, Water resource).
18년 과외 경력. 학원 과학교사 경험.
풍부한 경험에서 어떠한 학생의 상황과 이해도에도 적응하여 맞춤강의를 합니다. 이해도 높을 경우 아래의 시간 보다 단축될 수 있습니다. 한 세션은 1.5시간입니다.
아래 제가 나열해 놓은 모듈중 선택해서 해도 됩니다.
보통 과외처럼 필요할때마다 모자란 부분을 보충해주는 방법도 가능하고, 선행학습도 가능합니다.
NCEA처럼 정해진 강의플랜은 없지만 캠브리지 AS, A 가능.
쉽고 빠른 제 강의의 맛을 보여드리기 위해, 첫 강의 한번은 무료샘플로 해 드립니다 (부모님께서 함께 하셔도 됨). 부담없이 한번 듣고 결정하시면 됩니다.
위치는 해밀턴입니다.
021 420 006
<< 수업 플랜 >>
Level 2 Physics
Mechanics - 7 sessions
- Linear Motion
- Forces & vector 1
- Forces & vector 2
- Projectile Motion
- Momentum & collisions
- Circular Motion & Gravity
- Energy & springs
Wave - 4 sessions
- Optics 1 Ray diagrams and lens
- Optics 2 Refraction and Snells Law
- What is wave, refraction/reflection revisit, diffraction
- Interference: when two waves collide
Electricity - 6 sessions
- Electric Field 1
- Electric Field 2
- Resistance & circuit 1
- Resistance & circuit 2
- Magnetic field 1
- Magnetic field 2
Internal Assessment Help
- Non-linear relationship (2 sessions)
- Research assignments (2+ sessions)
- Nuclear physics & Radioactivity (3 sessions)
Level 3 Physics
Mechanics (6 sessions)
- center of mass, momentum
- circular motion & gravity
- rotational motion 1
- rotational motion 2
- simple harmonic motion 1
- simple harmonic motion 2
Electricity (10 topics but planned 9 sessions)
- Resistor 1: Geometry & Internal resistance
- Resistor 2: Kirchoff's Laws
- Electric field & capacitor 1: Basics, geometry, capacitor circuits
- Electric field & capacitor 2: charging/discharging
- Magnetic field & inductor 1: Flux Basics & Lenz's Law & Faraday's Law
- Magnetic field & inductor 2: Inductor, geometry, charging/discharging
- Magnetic field & inductor 3: mutual inductance, transformer, DC revision
- AC circuits 1: why AC, rms
- AC circuits 2: circuits and phasors
- AC circuits 3: resonance and problems
Waves (4 sessions)
- Doppler Effect
- Standing waves, beat
- Interference, diffraction grating 1
- Interference, diffraction grating 2
Modern Physics (4 sessions)
- photoelectric effect, wave-particle duality
- hydrogen atom, atomic spectra
- nuclear fission & fusion, energy
- relativity & particle physics
Internal Assessment (2 sessions) - Lab work
- Uncertainties Basics, why uncertainties
- uncertainties in graphs, How to write a physics lab report
Level 2 Chemistry
Periodic Table and Trends (6 sessions) - external
- element names, ion names, naming chemicals, what is chemistry, polyatomic ions
- metallic, ionic bonds
- molecules, Lewis diagram
- polarity and explaining material properties
- chemical energy
- extra time for revision & catch-up
Reactivity (3 sessions) - external
- rate of reaction
- equlibrium, shift in equilibrium
- acid/base and pH
Organic Chemistry (5 sessions) - external
- what is Organic chem, naming/structural formula
- alkane, alkene, alkyne, isomers
- alcohol, halo-alkane, amines
- carboxylic acid, reaction chains 1
- reaction chains 2, summary
Quantitative Methods (3 sessions) - 실험 리포트
- Balancing Equations, definition of mols, basic stoichiometry
- identifying chemical composition
- titration calculation practice
Precipitation (2 sessions) - 실험 리포트
- precipitation overview, negative ions
- positive ions
Redox (3 sessions) - 학교 internal test
- oxidation numbers, basic ideas
- redox pairs 1
- redox pairs 2
Level 3 Chemistry
Internal Assessment Help
- Titration (2 sessions)
- Research Topics (as long as needed)
- Specstroscopy (2 sessions)
Thermal chemistry (5 sessions)
- Electronic configuration, trend in periodic tables.
- Extended Lewis diagram, Intermolecular forces
- Revision molecular shapes, property of substances
- enthalpy of reactions: 3 methods 1
- enthalpy of reactions: 3 methods 2
Organic Chemistry (6 sessions)
- review of Level 2 organic chemistry
- more isomers
- reaction network 1: hydrocarbons, alcohol, halocalkane, amine
- reaction network 2: alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid
- reaction network 3: carboxylic acid, acyl chloride, ester, amide
- polymers, other smaller topics
Equilibrium (4 sessions)
- solubility equilibrium 1
- solubility equilibrium 2
- acid/base equilibrium 1
- acid/base equilibrium 2
Redox (3 sessions)
- Redox pairs; half-reactions; Level 2 revision
- Electrochemical cells; half-cells; voltages
- Electrolysis and spontaneity