1. 2003년 5월 19일자 뉴질랜드 교육부 자료, 1년동안의 학비와 생활비 비교.
$New Zealand |
$Australia(호주) |
$UK (영국) |
$USA (미국) |
Annual(1년 학비) |
$22541.00 |
$14000.00~$35000.00 |
$10463.00 |
$29056.00 |
Others (생활비) |
$15000.00 |
$18610.00 |
$10000.00 |
$14233.00 |
4 Years (4년 비용) |
$150164.00 |
$214440.00 |
$81852.00 |
$173156.00 |
기준환 USD => |
$121420.00 |
$206461.00 |
$123650.00 |
$173156.00 |
기준환 USD는 2013년 5월 19일자 환율
2. Cost Comparisions for International Student (USD)
New Zealand |
Australia |
Canada |
UK |
월 수업료 |
$1121.00 |
$1339.00 |
$1057.00 |
$1385.00 |
$1123.00 |
월 생활비 |
$1100.00 |
$1500.00 |
$972.00 |
$1300.00 |
$1200.00 |
Total |
$2221.00 |
$2839.00 |
$2029.00 |
$2685.00 |
$2323.00 |
3. Tuition fee comparison by country, Updated: 8 March 2016
Country | Tuition (local $) | Exchange rate | Tuition (USD) |
Australia | $26,427 | 0.75 | $19,820 |
Canada | $15,601 | 0.75 | $11,701 |
New Zealand | $25,583 | 0.68 | $17,396 |
United Kingdom | £13,763 | 1.43 | $19,682 |
United States | $20,519 | 1 | $20,519 |
*Among English-speaking destinations for international students, Canada has the lowest tuition fees.
* Canada is followed by New Zealand.
* Towards the top are Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, which have similar fee levels.
4. 각 나라별 학생비자시 요구되는 생활비의 비교
Country | Funds (local $) | Exchange rate | Funds (USD) | Source |
Australia | $18,610 | 0.75 | $13,958 | bordor.gov.au |
Canada | $10,000 | 0.75 | $7,500 | studycanada.ca |
New Zealand | $15,000 | 0.68 | $10,200 | immigration.govt.nz |
United Kingdom | £9,135 | 1.43 | $13,063 | exeter.ac.uk |
United States | $13,435 | 1 | $13,435 | various unis |
5. 2017년도 각 대학교(뉴질랜드) 수업료 비교(뉴질랜드 교육부)
Fees for International Students 2017.pdf