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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


2015 school terms

Term 1 Between Monday 26 January (at the earliest);
and Thursday 5 February (at the latest)
Thursday 2 April
(80-96 half-days)
Term 2 Monday 20 April Friday 3 July
(106 half-days)
Term 3 Monday 20 July Friday 25 September
(100 half-days)
Term 4 Monday 12 October

Primary and intermediate:
No later than Friday 18 December
(98 half-days)*

Secondary and composite:
No later than Wednesday 16 December
(94 half-days)**

* Or to a day in December which ensures that the school has been open for instruction for 384 half-days in 2015.
** Or to a day in December which ensures that the school has been open for instruction for 380 half-days in 2015.

  1. No Image

    2016년도 School Term NZ

    초등학교, 중학교 : 텀1 2월 1일, 5일 -- 4월 15일 텀2 5월 2일 -- 7월 8일 고등학교 : 텀1 2월 1일, 5일 -- 4월 15일 텀2 5월 2일 -- 7월 8일
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  2. 워킹홀리데이 관련 자주 묻는 질문 Q&A

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  3. 2015 University of Waikato IELTS Centre

    Hamilton IELTS tests are conducted on the University of Waikato campus. Registration is in the LAIN building. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are taken together. The Speaking test is usually on the same day.
    Date2015.05.14 Bychrischo83 Views115
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  4. 2015 school terms and holidays

    2015 school terms START DATE END DATE Term 1 Between Monday 26 January (at the earliest); and Thursday 5 February (at the latest) Thursday 2 April (80-96 half-days) Term 2 Monday 20 April Friday 3 July (106 half-days) Term 3 Monday 20 July ...
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  5. 뉴질랜드 학제 설명 및 비교(공통)

    교육 제도 ο 1877년 최초로 교육법을 제정, 모든 국민을 대상으로 무상의무 교육제도를 도입한 이래 1964년 교육법(Education Act 1964) 개정을 거쳐 현재 만6세부터 15세까지 전국민 의무교육 실시. ο 교육법상 최고의 교육행정 기관은 교육...
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  6. 교육제도 (공통)

    학제개요 : 영국식 제도 채택 Kindergarden(만3세 내지 3.5세부터 5세 미만) Primary school(6년) Intermediate school (2년) Secondary school(5년) 입학요건 1. 국가고사 성적으로 각 대학에 지원, 외국학생의 경우 영어 능력을 증명하는 기록 제시요 (TOEF...
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