2016.12.16 13:05

2017 School Holidays and Terms

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2017 school terms and holidays.docx


2017 school terms and holidays





Term 1 - 10 or 11 weeks

Between Monday 30 January (at the earliest);
and Tuesday 7 February (at the latest)

Thursday 13 April
(96-106 half days)

Public holiday: Waitangi Day

School holiday: 2 weeks (includes Easter and Easter Tuesday and Anzac Day)
Friday 14 April – Sunday 30 April

Term 2 - 10 weeks

Monday 1 May

Friday 7 July
(98 half days)

Public holiday: Queen's birthday

School holiday: Saturday 8 July – Sunday 23 July

Term 3 - 10 weeks

Monday 24 July

Friday 29 September
(100 half days)

2 weeks
Saturday 30 September – Sunday 15 October

Term 4 - up to 10 weeks 

Monday 16 October

Primary, intermediate and special schools:
No later than Wednesday 20 December
(94 half days)*

Secondary and composite:
No later than Thursday 14 December
(86 half days)**


Public holidays: Labour Day 23 October, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day

School holiday: 5-6 weeks from school’s closing date until opening date of school the following year.

* Or to a day in December which ensures that the school has been open for instruction for 388 half days in 2017.
** Or to a day in December which ensures that the school has been open for instruction for 380 half days in 2017.


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