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과민성 대장 증후군. IBS. 설사 변비를 반복하시면서 장때문에 고생하시는 분께 추천합니다.

아들이 IBS때문에 수년간을 고생하다가 이것을 2통정도 복용한 후 이제는 100% 완치되었습니다.

원인은 장내 세균 불균형이 주 원인이었던 같습니다.

같은 증상이 있으신 분들은 이 상품을 눈여겨 보시고 주변에 자문을 구해보시는 것도 좋을 듯합니다.


인터넷에서 다량으로 구매를 해놓았는데 1통이 여분으로 남아있어 저렴하게 팝니다.

Expiry date: 05 2018


On line market:$36.5+$7.00(배송비)

개봉하지 않은 새것임. $33에 판매합니다.(픽업 ㅇnly)

022 193 4743


Lifestream Bowel Biotics FIBRE

For optimum digestion, Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre is a unique high fibre formula with added prebiotics and probiotics. It contains 100% natural psyllium husk that when used as part of a balanced and varied diet contributes to bowel regularity.

  • Good source of fibre

  • Supports bowel regularity

  • Helps maintain bowel health

  • Provides prebiotics and probiotics


It is widely recognised that using prebiotics and probiotics helps support long-term bowel health and overall well-being. Health professionals believe that keeping the colon healthy is important to overall health and vitality.

Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre is 100% natural and contains no artificial ingredients of any kind.

It’s nutrition to live by.


►View all Lifestream Products

Active Ingredients:

Each Capsule contains:


No Artificial Ingredients 
Psyllium Husks (517.5mg)
Inulin Prebiotics (225mg)
Probiotic cultures (lactobacillus plantarium, Lactobacillius rhamnosus, Lactobacillus bulgaaricus, Lactobacillius acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum) (7.5mg)

This product is vegetarian and contains no gluten and wheat.



Adults - For the initial dose, take 3 capsules daily, then if necessary, gradually increase the dose over the period of a few days up to a maximum of 8 capsules twice daily.

Adjust the dose until you achieve the desired effect to suit your bodys requirement.

Take at least 30 minutes before or after food. 

It is very important that adequate water is taken with this product so that the fibre does not swell and cause a blockage in the throat or stomach.

3 capsules require 250ml (1 large glass) of water.
8 capsules require 500ml (2 large glasses) of water.


  • Taking Lifestream Bowel Biotics without plenty of water could cause choking.

  • Keep out of reach of children.

  • If at any time you experience discomfort after taking Lifestream Bowel Biotics, reduce your serving size.

  • If you are being treated for a medical condition, consult your doctor first before taking Lifestream Bowel Biotics.

  • May contain traces of soy or milk products.

  • Due to its absorbent nature, it is recommended that Lifestream BowelBiotics  be taken at least 1 hour apart from medications.

  • The probiotic content in Lifestream BowelBiotics  makes it suitable for use during and following a course of antibiotics, however you should allow at least 1 hour to lapse between taking antibiotics and Lifestream BowelBiotics

  • Lifestream BowelBiotics  can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, it is advisable to seek advice from your doctor on all aspects of nutrition whilst pregnant.

  • None of the ingredients in Lifestream BowelBiotics  are absorbed by the body (they stay in the digestive system). The soluble fibre component may be of benefit to diabetics for several reasons, one of which is that the sugars in the fibre are not digested. Diabetics taking Lifestream BowelBiotics  should discuss this with their diabetic health practitioner as it may play a role in helping to maintain sugar levels when taken as part of a healthy diet.

Extended Information:

Q Why are 5 different strains of bacteria included in Lifestream BowelBiotics ?

A A probiotic formula containing several species of beneficial bacteria may have an improved overall spectrum of activity within the gut. The Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria complement each other due to their different colonization sites. Whilst both are found throughout the entire digestive tract, lactobacilli are especially abundant in the small intestine, where as bifidobacteria are more abundant in the large intestine (colon). Lifestream BowelBiotics  contains probiotic cultures Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.


Q Can I use Lifestream BowelBiotics  as part of a detox program?

Yes. Because of its cleansing properties Lifestream BowelBiotics  is ideal for inclusion as part of the diet in a detox program.


Q Why does it NOT need to be refrigerated?

A A combination of the freeze drying process and cryoprotectant microencapsulation of the microbial cells keeps Lifestream BowelBiotics stable at room temperature.


Q Can I use Lifestream BowelBiotics  as part of a detox program?

A Yes. Because of its cleansing properties Lifestream BowelBiotics  is ideal for inclusion as part of the diet in a detox program. 


All about the bowels

The bowel is the common name for the large intestine and comprises the colon, rectum and anus. The colon is a muscular tube, which together with the small intestine forms the major part of the digestive system. The digestive process is completed in the colon, where water is soluble nutrients are absorbed & certain vitamins are synthesised. The colon is also responsible for the elimination of body wastes including those from food. In a healthy colon, all this is achieved with the help of billions of friendly resident bacteria. Many practitioners now believe that keeping the colon healthy is crucial to our overall health & vitality.


Some interesting facts: 
◾Over a third of the population regularly suffer from digestive upsets  
◾Many experts believe impacted waste material in the bowel can harden and thicken over the years


You are what you eat

Nutritionists and scientists are now confirming that the age-old saying of ‘you are what you eat’ has never been truer! Our vitality is merely a reflection of our inner health – including the health of our digestive system. When taken as part of a healthy balanced diet, Lifestream BowelBiotics   helps keep you regular and maintains healthy bowels. The Lifestream BowelBiotics   formula is presently recommended by many gastroenterologists, doctors and natural practitioners in the UK despite the fact that it is not a prescription medicine and contains only natural ingredients. 


What is so unique about the formulation of Lifestream BowelBiotics ?

Lifestream BowelBiotics   has been developed to help with a healthy balanced diet to keep the bowels healthy in a totally natural way. In order to achieve this, Lifestream BowelBiotics   has three specific natural ingredients. These are: 
1.Fibre (Psyllium husks)  
2.Prebiotics (Inulin) 
3.Probiotics (Lactobacilli & Bifidobacteria) 
All of these ingredients are from natural sources only. All are gentle in action and are not absorbed by the body, making Lifestream BowelBiotics   suitable for regular, everyday use.


1. Fibre (Psyllium Husks)

Fibre is important in the diet to ensure that waste material is moved efficiently and regularly through the colon so that undigested matter is not left for long periods in the bowel. Typically most fibre in our diet comes from wheat bran (present in most breads and cereals) but this is unsuitable for those who are allergic or intolerant to wheat products. The fibre in Lifestream BowelBiotics   is therefore sourced from non-wheat sources which include psyllium husks and inulin. Psyllium husks are a water retentive non-wheat fibre source. When water is added to psyllium husks, a soft gel forms, helping matter to move through the colon smoothly.

Water retentive fibre also encourages the presence of natural bacteria in the bowel.

The Importance of Varied Fibre Sources

Different types of high fibre foods in the diet can have a synergistic effect and can complement the effects of the psyllium husks in Lifestream BowelBiotics . Most vegetables, lentils and fruits (dried apricots for example) are good sources of fibre. It is important to get into the habit of varying your fibre intake from different sources.



2.  Prebiotics (Inulin)

Inulins are naturally occurring oligosaccharides (several simple sugars linked together) that are resistant to digestion in the stomach and intestines but are metabolized in the colon by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Inulins are found in vegetables such as asparagus, leeks, onions, chicory roots and garlic. Inulins help to promote the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria while simultaneously helping to reduce the population of unfriendly bacteria in the colon. Substances such as inulin that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon are called prebiotics.

The ability to digest inulin varies among the different types of microflora which may commonly inhabit the intestine. Several studies 1, 2, 3 have shown how inulin added to a healthy balanced diet improves intestinal flora and enhances the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria population. Other unfriendly species of bacteria including E. coli, Clostridia and Salmonella cannot utilize inulin.

An abundance of beneficial bacteria helps your intestinal tract toremain healthy by creating conditions that are unfavourable to unfriendly bacteria. Lifestream BowelBiotics can help to ensure that sufficient levels of inulin are provided in the diet.

3. Probiotics (Lactobacilli & Bifidobacteria)

Probiotics are live microbial organisms that populate the gut (such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) and are beneficial to health.

'Good' and 'Bad' bacteria are continually competing with each other in the gut and it is now clearly recognised that long term bowel health and overall well-being can be supported by maintaining a favourable balance of friendly bacteria in the colon.


1. Langlands SJ, Hopkins MJ, Coleman N, Cummings JH. Prebiotic carbohydrates modify the mucosa associated microflora of the human large bowel. Gut. 2004 Nov;53(11):1610-6. 
2. Gibson G, Roberfroid M. Dietary Modulation of the Human Colonic Microbiota; Introducing the Concept of Prebiotics. J Nutr. 1995: 125:1401-1412 
3. Gibson GR, Beatty ER, Wang X, Cummings JH. Selective Stimulation of Bifidobacteria in the Human Colon by Oligofructose and Inulin. Gastroenterology 1995; 108:975-982 

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