Sorry Letter

by Triplejae posted Apr 01, 2010


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Dear Mr Stubbs and the Stubbs family,


I am sorry for breaking the moa bone. When I broke the moa bone afterwards I then realised that the bone was so precious and important to the Stubbs family. I wish that I could go back in time and change my actions but it can not be. I am sorry to the people who have never seen the moa bone. I am so ashamed of myself. My family wanted to pay for the moa bone to be repaired but we know now it can not be fixed. We would like to donate some trees as reparation for my actions. From this experience I have learnt not to be cheeky and to make good choices. In the last two weeks I have completed a study on the moa. I have never knew that the scientific name for the moa was Dinornithidae and that the moa were related to the ostrich. This was the one good thing about this whole situation. Once again I am sorry for breaking the moa bone.


Yours sincerely,


Jaeyu Lee


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